Navigating Insurance for Vehicle Hail Damage Repair
Insurance companies prefer PDR as the premier solution to vehicle hail damage for several reasons: Lower costs, shorter turnaround time (reduced need for a loaner vehicle) and maintained vehicle value.
As soon as a hailstorm dents your car, file your insurance claim for vehicle hail damage. Call or visit us at Greys Paintless Dent removal for a free estimate.
Once you have a claim number, Greys Paintless Dent Removal can work with your insurance company and repair your vehicle’s unsightly hail dents. We can guide you through the insurance claims process for a quick and easy repair process. Our technicians have decades of experience repairing hail damage for privately owned and dealer vehicle inventories (new, pre-owned and service vehicles) across the country. Greys Paintless Dent Removal provides the best PDR solution to repairing your vehicle’s hail damage.

Fight Back Against the Elements
Mother nature is unpredictable. The last thing anyone wants is one of their biggest investments being destroyed by hail. Here at Greys Paintless Dent Removal we want to keep the repair process as simple, transparent, and stress free as possible. We work directly with your insurance company, keep you informed, and perform top quality repairs. With us you can rest assured that your vehicle is in the best hands. If you have any questions about the repair or insurance process, you're more than welcome to give us a call!